
Will you mind lending your book to other Bibliophile? #BookExchange

    “There is no friend as loyal as a book.”                                          -Ernest Hemingway People these days have started developing their interest in reading habits. Especially young parents from youngest age of child kick them to read books so they can develop their interest in words and pages. This is a fascinating habit if one stays on it. Even psychologists have conveyed, ‘Those who read can improve their cognition throughout the lifespan.’ Also, they have told ‘Reading even works as memory exercise!’ These facts are always a pleasure to one who is investing in developing the personality. Research even tells ‘Those who are found of Fictional genre are positively correlated to the social activity and they feel empathy towards others Reading is a stunning activity to do in your free time especially for introverts. For extroverts, ...

Do you think Indian Married women get stuck after getting married? #Womenarebliss

  In India, during marriage rituals, there are some pheras, in which lady need to follow the man and they take vows for this life. And in some pheras man has to follow a lady. So no custom or ritual says a woman has to be behind a man. There are many successful ‘Married’ women in the 21st century obviously, their soulmates have been a part of their journey. To be honest, initially, I even felt the same way, that due to marriage I might have to give up on things. But I was very very wrong on this. On random thought, I told him, “I wish I can be an independent lady." “Who did stop you?” “Precisely, No one. “Indirectly?” “No one.” “Then what's stopping you?” I did not get the answer. After a minute, he spoke, “Your overthinking.” For a while I gave a thought, he was right no one denied me to do anything. No one ever told me ‘Don’t do this. This is not to be done by you or anything else’. It was me who assumed I am not allowed to start my new thing. I just ha...

Are marriages just to assure two souls are connected? #loveiseternal

As a girl, I always fantasied to meet an extra caring and chivalrous kind of man in life. Not always fantasy is grand than reality. Many times you get more than you even expect, as it is said God has a bigger plan than you wish. Marriage - this word is horrifying to many, while others are fanatical about it. Yeah, I even have fantasized about it frequently. But real life is far too different from what you dream about. I believed, after marriage, I will be the only one in his life for which he needs to care, worry and pamper and spend round-the-clock around me. But that was my belief, how can I forget about the surrounding in which we live. How can I forget his family as well as mine? How can I forget his friends and my dear ones? How can I forget about the passion and responsibility we both have within us? Out of blue, once I asked him, “What if we won’t have been together?” “Maybe, I would be with someone with whom I won’t have such great bond as with you and would be just hop...

Story of Legend. #FylingSikh

  Milkha Singh(1929 - 2021), the famous International sprinter, is the only one who won Gold medals for 400 meters race in Asian Games as well as Commonwealth Games. There is book written on him known as “The Race of My Life – An Autobiography of Milkha Singh” by his Daughter Sonia Sanwalka. The entire life story of the legend has been described so precisely. His success was perfect mixture of regular practice, hard work, self-discipline, dedication and the determination to perform. He was young when he saw his entire family devastated due to India-Pakistan Partition. He suffered so much, that for many days he lived at railway station and tried to co-ordinate to his family but due to lack of sources he could not. He had great bond with his sister, Isher, who even rescued him from jail. In 1952, he joined the army force due to recommendation of his brother, Makhan and was posted at EME Centre at Secunderabad. The reason for his strong determination to be athlete was, he saw...

Confession to Dad! #Fathersday

 Dear Dad, Every daughter says my dad is superhero, but I don't wanna say that because in real I have never seen any Super hero. But I consider you has my idol reason being I have learnt so many things from you. How to earn and spend at same time, I have learnt from you. How to fulfill everyone's demand, compromising your own and not letting others know it I have seen in you and tried to adopt. Ensuring everyone lives healthy life and no one gets lesser than one deserve, is something I wanna learn from you. How to stay clear with your needs and desire is what you have taught me, Dad. You were the one who made easy for me to select my career by not letting your decision be mine and accepting what I wanted to pursue. Once I asked mom, " Why is dad so normal even after working for 12 hours a day? I get tired in 7 hours of Internship, Mumma!". Her answer made me  emotionally fragile, "You work to just achieve your own goals, while he works so that you and your brothe...

What should I do to survive? #followpassion

Dear Aspirants, "Its hard to survive in this competitive world" that is what we hear from people and some of our seniors. Is it really so? No its not true.  One of my mentor said me "Even if scope is less in our field but if you have passion in you for your work, you gonna shine even in millions".  So we can say world moves with passionate people, yeah no doubt in that. Whether u see Sachin Tandulkar or Amitabh Bachchan or A.R.Rahman, they are best known for their work. And who said one cannot fall in journey? Its always ok to fail and then look up and rise. Passion is all about staying strong with your desires not about getting your thing done in just one try. So today if u fall, believe in yourself and get up tomorrow.  Sometimes being frustrated, taking small break and then continue is okay. That would help you to boost your energy to move more determinately ahead. its ok to go for some NETFLIX or PUBG for short time and divert your mind to some other random acti...